5 Superpowers Every Recruiter Secretly Wants

Recruit CRM
Recruit CRM Blogs
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4 min readMar 10, 2023


Wishing for a few servings of magic to ace recruitment? Well, you aren’t alone! Here are five superpowers every recruiter secretly wants.

Recruiters Superpower

Superhero lores excite everyone, and we bet you are no exception. (Wait, was that a secret? Well, no more!)

From the ability to instantly decipher candidates’ thoughts to the power of persuasion, these five superpowers have almost every recruiter bewitched.

See if these fantasies match yours!

1. The Flash-Like Speed

Given the fast-paced job market, it’s not surprising most recruiters want to be like lightning bolts, striking quickly and leaving a lasting impression on their clients and candidates.

And why not? After all, it’s a dog-eat-dog world where recruiters can either be quicker than a jackrabbit to stay ahead of the game or lose their top talents. (There is no in-between!)

Recruiters Superpower

But remember, speed is nothing without accuracy. So, you must maintain the quality of your talent pool at all costs. And you can do that by using an applicant tracking system.

An ATS system will increase your pace and hiring efficiency instantly.

2. The Innovative Mind

Imagine how an innovative mind can push you to think out of the box, develop new ideas, and effectively implement them. (Maybe come up with never-seen-before cheat tricks too!)

That’s what innovation is about! No wonder it remains one of the top qualities most recruiters secretly wish for.

Recruiters Superpower

So what can you do to possess an Iron-Man-like innovative mind?

  • Arm yourself with the latest gadgets and tools, like an AI recruiting software, to source, interview, and hire better.
  • Hire more and more innovators in your team. (Because innovation is contagious)
  • Keep up with the recent news, trends, and networking opportunities.

Read More: Look at Your Candidate’s 6 Secret Thoughts and Become a Telepathic Genius

3. Power of Persuasion

Do you know what Professor X is famous for? His ability to convince others to join his cause.

He is a master strategist and a skilled diplomat who uses his persuasion skills to negotiate with world leaders and diffuse tense situations.

Recruiters Superpower

Well, they say practice makes recruiters perfect! So, why don’t you learn how to approach your clients and candidates like Professor X? (Not technically, though)

Here is what you can do:

  1. Listen and Understand: Effective persuasion starts with understanding the other person’s needs, desires, and concerns. Listen to your client’s and candidate’s requirements carefully.
  2. Communicate Clearly: Once you understand their needs, communicate your plan. Remember to be honest and transparent about any limitations.
  3. Build Trust: Be honest, reliable, and professional in your interactions with clients and candidates. Follow through on your commitments and be vocal about any challenges or obstacles.
  4. Demonstrate Expertise: Stay up-to-date with industry trends, use data to support your recommendations, and provide value-added services like career coaching and job market insights.
  5. Be Persistent: Keep in touch with your clients and candidates, even if they are not initially interested. Follow up with them regularly and provide new information or opportunities that may interest them.

4. The Ultimate Invincibility

Being able to get back on your feet after failing is a superpower every recruiter wishes they have.

Recruiters Superpower

You want the same, don’t you?

Some setbacks may be unpleasant, unlucky, or unfair, but you should keep moving forward and forward, not holding any grudges.

For instance, a candidate may reject your offer after being accepted and not appear for the job. You are not at fault in these situations but bear the punishment.

Use those mishaps as an achievement and HULK SMASH through your goals because we know you can!

Read More: What is Candidate Experience? An Exclusive Guide for Recruiters

5. The Mind-Reading Ability

Ah, the mind-reading ability, the holy grail of recruiting! Can you imagine how much easier your job would be if only you could be the Emma Frost of the industry?

No more guessing games and misunderstandings, just a direct and clear exchange of thoughts.

Recruiters Superpower

With this game-changing superpower, you will quickly understand your candidate’s motivations, true strengths and weaknesses, and ideal job requirements.

You will be able to read your client’s minds and understand what they’re looking for in a candidate, even if they can’t articulate it themselves. (Sounds terrific, doesn’t it?)

But alas, mind-reading is not a real superpower, and recruiters must rely on other skills like communication, active listening, empathy, and building trust to gain a deep understanding of their clients and candidates.

While mind-reading may be a dream, these skills are the reality of successful recruiting.

Did we miss any of the superpowers you wish you had?

Let us know in the comments!



Recruit CRM builds cloud-based software for the Global Recruitment & Staffing Industry. We are on a mission to help recruitment firms grow faster effortlessly.